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01242 371 999February is always our busiest month of the year, and the extra day of this leap year came in handy!
Throughout the course of February our our not-for-profit community campaign continued its work and after 5 years, we are very proud to share that we are registered pas a CIC – a Community Interest Company.
As part of Heart Month our activities with the community by delivering a free Family First Aid session with Cheltenham Borough Homes at St Paul’s Community Hub during Half Term week.
Clare Arthur held a series of talks to increase defib awareness and to mark the launch of our community Heart Sreening campaign, which will be held at The Schoolhouse Cafe on 25 April 2024.
The month ended on a high note when Public Hearts was featured on BBC Radio Gloucestershire with Jon Smith’s Monday Breakfast Show, 26 April which was followed up with a national news story celebrating “Cheltenham as the Defibrillator Capital of the South West.”
With 66 of our 72 publicly accessible defibs being installed in the last 2 yaers – thats a fitting accloade for Heart Month!
To listen to us on the radio – tune in from 08.05am – just after the news – 2.06 miniutes into the show programmes/p0h94nqj
To read the BBC News article – articles/crg5g4zej2eo
Please do get involved with our not-for-profit community campaign.
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